
Hello, and thank you for visiting my “traveling” blog!!

Who am I you ask?  Just me, a person who loves to discover and explore.

As a child I was regaled with stories, photos, and an occasional quiz by my father about world places and world leaders.  For example -where is Libya? what is its major export? and what’s going on there?  Maybe because of this history, or because my sun sign is Sagittarius, or the origin of my name in Welsh means to wend your way….. inner travel and physical travel have remained a part of my life.

At age four I watched my mother buy, with great appreciation, silver jewelry from indigenous women in Mexico. By age 15, I had the privilege of playing my violin on a concert tour of Japan (at the tail end of the second violin section 😉 ).  I have subsequently studied, worked, traveled in, or returned to over 40 countries on five continents.

I have met extraordinary heroes and heroines, known and unknown, as well as a host of world leaders, royals, and celebrities.  Many people have touched my heart and I trust I will be able to share with you, little by little, some special places and some special people not only in far flung lands but from whatever neighborhood I happen to be in at the time.

Wishing you a world of peace and beauty, Guendalina

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